rog white

Ridgewood Orthopedic Group

We prioritize the freedom to put you first. At each of our locations, our experts in orthopaedic care work with you to create a personalized treatment plan, optimizing your path to recovery.
Visit Our WebsiteWhy We Joined ONJ.

Ridgewood Orthopedic Group

Ridgewood Orthopedic Group (ROG) has been treating our neighbors with compassion and care for over 35 years. We are dedicated to providing you with the best care and treatment options tailored to your unique needs.

Our practice offers patients of all ages access to technologically advanced medical care for conditions that involve sports medicine, back and neck ailments, arthritis, and bone fractures. Our experienced and compassionate doctors and staff at Ridgewood Orthopedic Group work together treat patients with efficient and world-class care while at the same time teaching our patients how to get the best out of their bodies in a comprehensive program of treatment.

We focus on you. Your pain, your struggles and your recovery. At each of our state-of the art orthopaedic practices, our world class physicians work to put all our patients on a personalized treatment plan, designed with an optimal path to recovery in mind.

We want [our new physicians] to be the best sub-specialist in their field. Each new orthopedist that we bring in is fellowship trained, and they come here and right away they establish themselves as the top sub-specialist in their particular field. - Dr. Delfico, ROG

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Ridgewood Orthopedic Group Values

Ridgewood Orthopedic Group (ROG) is a full service orthopaedic practice that has been serving patients in New Jersey for over 35 years.

broken arm

Trauma & Fracture Care

Sometimes life takes an unexpected turn. OrthoNJ's team of world-class orthopedic professionals is here to help.
Learn About Trauma & Fracture Care
hospital bed

Total Joint Replacement

Joint pain can get worse if not treated correctly. OrthoNJ offers joint pain solutions, including total joint replacement.
Learn About Total Joint Replacement

Sports Medicine

Don’t let pain or injury get in the way of your daily activities or your favorite sports. Let OrthoNJ get you back on the playing field.
Learn About Sports Medicine

Spine, Back & Neck

Sometimes, back pain keeps you from enjoying life. OrthoNJ Can get you back to doing what you do best.
Learn About Spine, Back & Neck

Shoulder & Elbow

When your joints aren't working as they should, your life can be greatly impacted. OrthoNJ is here to help!
Learn About Shoulder & Elbow

Hip & Knee

From hip or knee physical therapy to total replacement, OrthoNJ is highly experienced in hip and knee orthopedics. Let us get you back on your feet.
Learn About Hip & Knee

Hand & Wrist

Hand and wrist pain can limit your daily activities. We understand your pain and provide innovative solutions and treatment plans to help you feel better.
Learn About Hand & Wrist
flat foot

Foot & Ankle

Foot and ankle injuries can seriously reduce your mobility. OrthoNJ works to get you back on your feet, pain-free, as quickly as possible.
Learn About Foot & Ankle

A Division of OrthoNJ

Ridgewood Orthopedic Group

Ridgewood Orthopedic Group is proud to be a division of OrthoNJ. If you'd like to learn, we'd encourage you to see ROG's videos discussing why being a part of OrthoNJ was the right decision for them and their patients.

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Contact ROG

Get In Touch with Ridgewood Orthopedic Group.

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Requesting Appointments With ROG

If you are seeking orthopaedic treatment from an OrthoNJ doctor or location associated with Ridgewood Orthopedic Group, we would love to see you for a consultation. You can request an appointment with ROG using the following link.
Request An Appointment

Meet our Doctors, Non-Physician Providers, and Therapists

tony2020edits 103
Anthony J. Delfico, MD
mark pizzurro 2x
Mark M. Pizzurro, MD
andrew brief 2x
Andrew A. Brief, MD, FAAOS
kevin roenbeck 2x
Kevin Roenbeck, MD
smaller final bmtdrog b 239 dasti[2050]
Umer R. Dasti, MD
ismar dizdarevic 2x
Ismar Dizdarevic, MD
arnold criscitiello 2x
Arnold A. Criscitiello, MD
amorosa edit 2 12 22
Louis F. Amorosa, MD
giordano edit 2 12 22
James F. Giordano, MD
lauren terranova 2x
Lauren Terranova, DO
farrah edit 2 12 22
Farrah L. Altuve, PA-C
jessica 2020edits 10
Jessica DeLeon, PA-C
claudia edit 2 12 22
Claudia J. Lucas, PA-C
allison makowsky 2x
Allison Makowsky, APN
nerricka nalundasan 2x
Nerricka Nalundasan, PA-C
jennifer ormsby 2x
Jennifer L. Ormsby, PA-C
nirali 2020 59
Nirali P. Patel, PA-C
diana 2020edits 47
Diana Zury, PA-C

Meet our Doctors, Non-Physician Providers, and Therapists
