More and more medical providers are being purchased by corporate entities and private-equity firms. That means profits and losses too-often dictate the treatment options, prices, and outcomes of patients, instead the treatment goals and needs of the patient.
OrthoNJ is the largest independent orthopedic group in New Jersey, comprising six distinct orthopedic divisions. Our dedication to independence means we are laser-focused on doing what is right, not what makes the most money.
That's The Power to Put Patients First.
Injuries to joints, ligaments, and bones aren't like cuts to the skin. You can't put a bandage on them and just wait to heal. They need to heal a certain way or mobility could be limited, and the injury could be painful for years. OrthoNJ can help you heal properly through physical therapy. We use proven and improved techniques to allow your injuries to heal properly, reducing your chances of long-term discomfort.
Other patients come to us with a need to improve their lives by working past physical, mental, and sensory limitations. OrthoNJ helps these patients through occupational therapy. This form of therapy includes methods of treatment that improve hand-eye coordination, develop fine motor skills, and learn basic tasks such as feeding themselves, walking, talking, and dressing themselves. Our therapists use proven techniques combined with compassion to help improve our patients' lives!
Physical injury, mental injury or limitations, sensory limitations — all of these can limit a patient's activities and lifestyle. The goal of OrthoNJ is to get them to the best place possible to enjoy the life they want to live. We do this through physical and occupational therapy. Our therapists utilize tried-and-true techniques, but they are constantly learning and researching to find newer, more effective methods of treatment. We evolve with the therapy industry for the sole purpose of doing the absolute best for our patients. With our therapy treatments, you can improve your life from daily routines to outdoor activities. Schedule an appointment to see how much more you can achieve with physical and occupational therapy from OrthoNJ!